
1080 Alternative

One of the main goals at Lewis Pest Control is to find effective alternative solutions to the use of 1080 in our forests. We have developed a method of trapping and monitoring that has greatly reduced the labour required and brought the cost per Hectare to levels comparable with 1080.

Over the last 4 years we have proven our methods to be effective in managing the Possum, Rat and Stoats in the Mohaka forestry and at the same time were able to identify invasions from areas that are being treated with 1080.

The yellow lines show the gullies where the Possums were invading from 1080 blocks and the Heatmap and point clusters (showing the largest numbers) of Possum caught effectively illustrate how they spread throughout the rest of the Mohaka Forrest.

Using this information we were able to develop plans and strategies to more efficiently manage the Possum, Rat and Stoat numbers.

More information on our reporting processes can be found here.